About SSC JE Civil:
SSC JE Civil is conducted online by the Staff Selection Commission to select eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer. SSC JE Civil is one of the most coveted jobs in the Government sector and comes with a lot of perks. This app helps you to prepare for SSC JE Civil Exam by providing the best online test series. You can practice mock tests of SSC JE Civil online and achieve success.
Subjects Covered in SSC JE Civil:
General Intelligence and Reasoning - Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Problem Solving, Analysis, etc.
General Awareness - History, Culture, Geography, Economic Science, General Polity and Scientific Research, Current Affairs, India and its neighboring countries, etc.
Technical Subject (Civil) - Costing, and Valuation, Building Materials, Estimating, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, etc.
Special Features of EduGorilla’s SSC JE Civil Test Series:
EduGorilla offers a lot of features in its SSC JE Civil test series –
• Exams covered: SSC JE Civil and previous years papers
• More than 100 mock tests and sectional tests are available for SSC JE Civil
• 24×7 Online Access
• Personalized Performance Analysis of your mock test with an All India & State Rank
• Online Mock Tests as per the latest pattern; Section-wise test papers
About EduGorilla:
EduGorilla is an online educational community that encapsulates every exam held in the country. Download EduGorilla app and get:
- 21,000+ mocks for 700+ competitive exams
- Questions that you would probably get in SSC JE Civil Exam
- A multitude of SSC JE Civil mocks, sectional tests, and previous year papers
- Tests in both English and Hindi
Alerts and Notifications:
Now practice EduGorilla SSC JE Civil online test series on the go! Get regular alerts and latest updates of SSC JE Civil like exam notifications, important dates, syllabus, etc.
Practice mock tests and various online topic-wise tests on the EduGorilla SSC JE Civil App.
关于SSC JE Civil:
SSC JE Civil由工作人员甄选委员会在线进行,以甄选合格的初级工程师职位候选人。 SSC JE Civil是政府部门最令人垂涎的工作之一,并且有很多福利。该应用程序通过提供最佳的在线测试系列,帮助您为SSC JE民事考试做准备。您可以在线练习SSC JE Civil的模拟测试并取得成功。
SSC JE Civil涵盖的主题:
EduGorilla的SSC JE民事测试系列的特殊功能:
EduGorilla在其SSC JE Civil测试系列中提供了很多功能–
•考试内容:SSC JE Civil和前几年的论文
•SSC JE Civil提供了100多个模拟测试和分段测试
-参加 700 + 竞争性考试的 21,000+ 个模拟
-您可能大概参加SSC JE民事考试的问题
-大量SSC JE Civil的模拟,分段测试和上一年的论文
现在,随时随地练习EduGorilla SSC JE Civil在线测试系列!获取SSC JE Civil的定期警报和最新更新,例如考试通知,重要日期,课程提纲等。
在EduGorilla SSC JE Civil App上练习模拟测试和各种在线主题测试。